header [os] - oss > is a semi open sound project by [os] as part of opensourcesound.org
      Name                                          Last modified      Size  Description
Parent Directory - [os]-oss-[01]/ 2024-03-21 03:02 - [os]-oss-[02]/ 2024-03-21 03:02 - [os]-oss-[03]/ 2024-03-21 03:02 - _General_project_diagrams/ 2024-03-21 03:02 - [TXT] !!!_READ_ME_first.html 2021-08-23 09:47 4.2K

notice of rights

  • listening - all pieces are available to be played in groups of up to three people. the player may interact with the piece up to two times each [usually this constitutes as pressing play and stop once only], exceeding this level of interactivity or audience numbers constitutes as performance and all preceding's must comply with the performance regulations below.
  • performing - these pieces are available to be performed in public only with the letters [os] hand written on masking tape affixed to ones forehead. should tape not be available, the most similar suggestible approach must be taken to assume the identity of [os].
  • copying - there are no specified limitations hereby given with regards to all original files available above, the sheer act of viewing them in a browser produces a copy within your web browsers cache and all attempts to stop you from doing this is futile. however, many works are subject to the OPEN SINGLE USER AGREEMENT and this may effect there availability.
  • other - all other rights you can think of are reserved by [os] and the opensourcesound organisation unless you have any suggestions otherwise which must be requested for, received in writing, then attached to the audio output device [speaker] prior to any such behavior.

details of all listenenings and performences of this affair are always greatly recieved including images, videos and audio and will eventually be included as downloads. THANK YOU [ os @ koept .net ]