[os]-oss-[02] project [02] folder contents... lkawe-[demonstration_please_delete_after_1_listen].ogg - demonstration of .als output from ableton live 6 lkawe-[googleimagesearch].html - some text based imagery for the project lkawe-[Killing_all_processes_owned_by_user...Done].als - the sound generator [needs ableton live 6 to play it] lkawe-[readme].txt - this document ok number 02.. another ableton live file - tut tut tut a beaty number i seem to be able to listen to this on headphones for ages... [whilst working on dans broken www folder] it has no pattern changes - just a little effect probability. i believe the piece is in need of an 8 bit twinkle if anyone stubles accross one. i imagine i'd program it to come on every 127 bars or sumink??? last for 19 maybe? maybe someone can make a patch in another program to run at the same time? i'll just fetch the list of plug-ins needed: dfx skidder dfx Scrubby dfx Transverb from http://destroyfx.smartelectronix.com/ Glitch v1.2.3 beta Glitch v1.3.04 from http://illformed.org/glitch/?page=downloads thats all for now... dont forget i have reserved certain rights for all files on http://www.opensourcesound.org/os [you are here - http://opensourcesound.org/os/02]