[os] - m27[oss-one] m27.als is a gift to a dear friend of mine. not ideal, it is a file of proprietary formatting [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proprietary_formats] and requires an expensive interactive audio generator and player in order to hear it. until this setback is remedied I shall continue to experiment in making my pre-programmed, part generative music openly available in whatever simple manner is available. [opensourcesound.org] as this is a gift, the future of this piece is left to the new owner who may choose whether to share or keep it for themselves. [Open Single User Agreement] thank you for keeping me inspired to continue with my odd projects. the master file requires the host application Ableton live v6.? with the following vst plug-ins installed correctly: dfx Buffer Override dfx Scrubby dfx Transverb from http://destroyfx.smartelectronix.com/ Glitch v1.2.3 beta Glitch v1.3.04 from http://illformed.org/glitch/?page=downloads